File Handling

File Handling

Telegram's file upload and download methods are a bit complex. Gogram simplifies this process by providing a few helper methods.

Uploading Files


Telegram has the following limits for file uploads:

  • 2GB for each file.
  • 4GB if premium account.
  • normal photos: 10MB

Uploading a File

Parellel TCP Connections are openned to increase the upload speed.

file, _ := client.UploadFile("file.jpg")
fileBytes = []byte("file content")
file, _ := client.UploadFile(fileBytes)
Upload with Progress

A built in progress bar is available for file uploads.

message, _ := client.SendMessage("me", "Uploading file...")
var pm *ProgressManager
_, err = client.SendMedia("me", "Sean Paul - No Lie ft. Dua Lipa.flac",
	    ProgressCallback: func(i1, i2 int32) {
		    if pm == nil {
			    pm = NewProgressManager(int(i1), 2)
		    } else {
			    if pm.shouldEdit() {
				    client.EditMessage(message, pm.getStats(int(i2)))

Additional Parameters

  • FileName: The name of the file.
  • Threads: The number of threads to use for uploading. Default depends on the file size.
  • ProgressCallback: A callback function to get the progress of the upload.
  • ChunkSize: The size of each chunk to upload. Default is 512KB.

Downloading Files

Downloading a File

Parellel TCP Connections are openned to increase the download speed.

// m = NewMessage object
file, _ := client.DownloadMedia(m.Media())
// m = NewMessage object
var buf  = bytes.Buffer{}
client.DownloadMedia(m.Media(), &telegram.DownloadOptions{
    Buffer: &buf,

Download with Progress

A built in progress bar is available for file downloads.

message, _ := client.SendMessage("me", "Downloading file...")
var pm *ProgressManager
_, err = client.DownloadMedia(m.Media(), &telegram.DownloadOptions{
    ProgressCallback: func(i1, i2 int32) {
        if pm == nil {
            pm = NewProgressManager(int(i1), 2)
        } else {
            if pm.shouldEdit() {
                client.EditMessage(message, pm.getStats(int(i2)))

Additional Parameters

  • Buffer: A buffer to write the file to.
  • Threads: The number of threads to use for downloading. Default depends on the file size.
  • ProgressCallback: A callback function to get the progress of the download.
  • ChunkSize: The size of each chunk to download. Default is 512KB.
  • FileName: The name of the file to save as.
  • DCId: The data center to download from. (deprecated)

File Methods


resolve any media to its sendable form.

media, _ := client.GetSendableMedia("file.jpg")
// client.GetSendableMedia(m.Media())
client.SendMedia("me", media)
If your network is unstable, try reducing the number of threads for stable uploads/downloads.